Back in high school, the drama department put on a stage adaptation of Catch-22. For some unfathomable reason, I auditioned for a role. For the auditions, the director (my English teacher) just had everyone go up in quartets and do impromptu comedy based off a cue.
When I went up, his cue was something like "You are aliens who have just arrived on the planet."
I went into a impression of the Yip Yips encountering the telephone..."telephone!...telephone!...telephone!" When our time was up, he said something dismissive about how he was befuddled as to what the fuck I was doing.
I didn't really care about not getting a part, as that undoubtedly would have been disastrous, but I am still pissed off about him thinking I was batshit nuts when the real import of the situation was that he needs to brush the fuck up on his Sesame Street.
Back in high school, the drama department put on a stage adaptation of Catch-22. For some unfathomable reason, I auditioned for a role. For the auditions, the director (my English teacher) just had everyone go up in quartets and do impromptu comedy based off a cue.
When I went up, his cue was something like "You are aliens who have just arrived on the planet."
I went into a impression of the Yip Yips encountering the telephone..."telephone!...telephone!...telephone!" When our time was up, he said something dismissive about how he was befuddled as to what the fuck I was doing.
I didn't really care about not getting a part, as that undoubtedly would have been disastrous, but I am still pissed off about him thinking I was batshit nuts when the real import of the situation was that he needs to brush the fuck up on his Sesame Street.
Bravo! Too bad efforts of witty humor gone unfathomed by a bumbling idiot with a degree. Carry on smartly!
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